Nazharia is born


9 months ago I never dreamt that I would be writing my birth story. As a FTM I tried to embrace every aspect of the pregnancy. It was an all round smooth experience. My due date was Nov 30th, baby was showing no signs of coming. On November 23rd I went for my usual antenatal check (doc works late). At about 8pm, they doctor discovered that Baby had a faster than normal heart beat. Seeing I was considered full term he sent me to the labour ward to have a non-stress test done. Baby's heart rate would not go down. They decided ot was best to deliver ASAP since no one knew why the heart was racing away. Was prepped for emergency C-section when another NST showed it had calmed down. Up to this point my and cervix was still high and closed. I was admitted for observation by Friday morning I was at 2cm. An hr later I got a membrane sweep and was a 3cm. Finally labour was progressing. After 7 in the evening when the Ob checked baby was BREECHED!!! All in a flash! I knew I couldn't escape C-section this tim

e around. I was prepped for emergency Csearian and within two hours I met baby Nazharia!!!! Now recovering amd grateful more than ever for my little blessing frorm God.