Was I rude?

So, let me preface this by saying that God endowed me with a pretty shitty immune system. The thing is, I’ve never been sick to the point of being forced to stay in bed so in winter I often have to go to school with a sore throat (which happens a lot to me) or a cold. Nothing to write home about.

Four days ago I underwent a tooth extraction and this fucked up my immune system even more. My throat is terribly sore and I sometimes cough, but I can’t really help it and when it happens I always cover my mouth. Needless to say, I have been on painkillers all week.

The thing is, today I was in class and I started coughing. Immediately after, two classmates of mine pretended to be coughing as well and burst out laughing and stared daggers at me whenever I had an outburst. Mind you, we weren’t doing any kind of listening comprehension activity, the teacher was just explaining WWI to us and it didn’t bother her. However I felt really ashamed and gross as they kept mocking me for being sick and I was so mortified that I forced myself not to cough for the whole school day. Was it rude of me?

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