a little monday tea...

Yasmin • 26, Wife👰🏽 👼🏽👼🏽👼🏽👼🏽👼🏽👼🏽 🌈👶🏽💙 rainbow boy born 12.17.21

so, as some of you may or may not know after trying with pcos for 6mo. we finally got our bfp on 11/21! 👶🏽💕

I honestly can’t be more thankful, the holidays will be so much more special ❤️ i took some all natural fertility supplements (fertilaid, fertilecm, ovaboost and myoinositol(for pcos) and dchiro inositol (for pcos)) and next month boom ! two lines on the pregnancy test !

so i went to the drs to confirm i’m not losing my mind and yup there’s definitely a little person growing in there. i’m in love. in love with a little ball of cells.

so, right, the nurse walks in and starts off with routine questions. asking me if i’ve had any gastro issues, any family history of diabetes, etc. but then she proceeds to fix her lips to ask “were you trying?” “was it planned” and i’m just looking at her like

“please lord, let this lady stop trying me bc im trying to change” you know, for my ball of cells and what not.

i know she’s only asking me this bc i’m young. and i don’t understand whyyyyyy it’s sooooo bizarre for people under 30 to want kids this day in age ?

i’m not into clubbing, in my last year of nursing school, married ... i’m not here to brag but i have my shit together.... for the most part at least... but i’m not gonna get into all of my credentials with her bc i don’t owe her an explanation.

i don’t feel like i’m missing out on anything, and i know i can provide for a tiny human. 👶🏽💕

I digress, back to that hospital room...

so then i asked her “ is that something you ask ALL of your patients?”

she responds “yes”

so i’m just like “i don’t see why that should be standard protocol. whether it was planned or not should not change the care i’m given as a patient”.

she said “i agree, and i hope you have a great night”.

i hope she knows not to try it in the future.

I feel like TTC in your early to mid 20s , someone is always asking for an explanation.

we don’t owe anyone

so take this experience as encouragement to stand up for yourselves everywhere! in hospitals, amongst friends and amongst family. whether we’re 22 or 32, if a baby is wanted then a baby is wanted and that’s the end of that 🙅🏽‍♀️