
will a cheap test from the dollar store be able to pick up a positive 3 days before AF? I've had 2 negatives yesterday morning and yesterday night. I still feel nauseous but not as bad since I've had an IV last night, I guess I was dehydrated a lil bit but overall the doctor couldn't figure out why I was feeling all these symptoms but didn't show up as pregnant so he prescribed me Zofran for my headache and sent me on my way after giving me benodryl. I didn't think I had anymore tests left so I was just kind of waiting to see if I would get my period and if not then I'd rest, but I was cleaning and I cleaned out my bags and I found a pregnancy test! I'm 4 days today from my AF but I'm not sure if i should go ahead and test or wait. it was surprising to find the test out of nowhere... still having all the symptoms except not as bad as before I had the IV. my CM is watery today and my appetite went from "ew food is gross" to "everything sounds good" over night. literally. I've had a few cramps today but nothing bad. what should I do?