Any input PLEASE!


So I took evening primrose oil this cycle to help with cm and after I had been taking it I read it can delay ovulation and period...oops... so saturday I had a peak on my clear blue advanced which was like two days later than it would normally be on. FF and flow predicted ovulation today so I waited for my temp to spike this morning and nothing. My nipples are sore, I’m having very noticeable ovulation cramps, I had ewcm a few days ago now it’s really watery and a little stretchy. Cervix is so high I can barely reach it. From what I can feel my cervix is soft and open.


my temps have not gone up yet to confirm O.

Am I jumping the gun a bit getting worried already? Has this happened to anyone else? Taken so long to get the temp rise after peak opk?

Any in-site? Please help I’m going crazy!

I posted my chart below.