Sick and on the pill

I've been on Sprintec 28 since may and have never missed one, ways take it at the same time everyday, etc. And then yesterday I got some kind of stomach bug and had diarrhea 2 hours after i took my pill, threw up 8 and a half hours after taking it, and continued to have diarrhea about 4 more times before I went to bed. I woke up at 7 this morning and had diarrhea again before taking today's pill at 7:30.I haven't thrown up again but did have diarrhea twice, once at 11:45 and the next at 12:15.I took another pill at 12:30 just to be safe, but now I'm wondering if it's already too late because I didn't take a second pill yesterday after having diarrhea 2 hours after taking my pill . The phamplet says if you vomit or diarrhea within 3 to 4 hours to take another pill. Which I didn't do on day 1, but I did take my regular pill todayAnd didn't diarrhea again until 4 hours after. Plus I took another pill. I have 3 pills left before my placebo week. What should I do? Do I need backup during my placebo week? If the diarrhea continues do I take another pill after everytime it happens? I tried to call my doctor but the line was busy 😷