What am I going to do


So I am 12 and I have a boyfriend and we are not just dating. we are best friends so he has't been talking to me and not sitting next to me like at lunch. So we have 2 classes together and lunch together so in 1 bell we sit next to each other so if he breaks up with me. one,I lose my best friend and two, it will be so awkward to sit next to him we also have band together so we sit next to each other their too but there is more so I have this friend and he is literally the best i don't know what i would do without him . he is like that friend in the tv shoes that would do anything for you like lessen or talk and we don't have any classes together and we always hug in the hall ways when we see each other. so that is how close we are and he walks me to class one day (he has never done this)and we are walking and when i am about to head into class he says he likes someone just like any other friend i say who and he says you. I am like meeeee what and then turns and goes into his class!!!!!!!!!

Whatttt am I supposed to do am I supposed to breakup with my boyfriend and date him or just break up with my boyfriend help meeeeeeeeee