Cvs at 11 week 3 days


Sorry for the long post...

Just wanted to share my story because for me it was rough and if I can support someone else with my journey than I feel it was worth something it's not over but I feel like it there is a light at the end of the tunnel.

So LMP is 9/8/17

Due date is 6/15/18

At around 9wk3d had some spotting. Didn't think much of it since last pregnancy had some "implantation bleeding" but to error on the side of caution I called doc. Since I am high risk (type 1 diabetic)

They asked me to come in and I obliged. U/S showed baby moving heart rate but also a thickened nuchal.

Now because it's not the right time they couldn't measure my risk and suggested to wait till 11 weeks to do first trimester.

I Wanted to do free cell DNA test harmony but my office requires genetic counseling.

In this session she explained the risk with thickened nuchal and that even with harmony testing a lot of the syndromes could not be eliminated. She suggested a cvs or chorionic villi sampling.

I felt I had to know and at this time bleeding continued and I feared I would miscarry.

Today was the day!

They checked the nuchal and today it was normal. Thank God.

We still did the cvs because risk is still there but now I feel a little reassured that risk is low.

Procedure went well. Doctor was nice and thankfully they were able to go through the top of the belly. Needle was long but thinner about 20g. Pain is when they pierce the skin and then again with uterus. A lot of pressure which feels very intense but with some deep breaths totally tolerable. Now we wait... no more bleeding. So far. U/s tech did see a sub chorionic hemorrhage (which likely cause bleeding in first place) but it should eventually reabsorb.

Will update with results in next few weeks.


Fish results - normal

Karyotype- normal

Microarray- normal with some homozygous areas so they are bringing me in for early anatomy at 15 weeks??

I do feel like they are now just looking to look.

I am trying to remain positive and rational but is getting increasingly difficult. I believe non of this is coming from the doctor it's all from the genetic counselor who is almost not a reliable person and is not being clear about anything.

They have offered me xome testing which is opening Pandora's box of genetic material and may mean absolutely nothing but anxiety and headache.