Go natural or induce? Maybe a Big baby on the way


Went to dr today for check up. Due date is Thursday. Originally said they won't induce till 1 week past, would like you to be 2-3 cm even before inducing. Had to do a ultrasound today and the baby is measuring big. Like 9lb 6 oz. 😳. I was all about waiting as long as possible and letting nature take its course but getting alittle nervous going to far after due date at this size. I lost part of mucus plug a week ago and a huge (remainder?) this Friday. I've tried all the labor starting tricks (pineapple, sex, walking, bouncing ball)

But I am only 1 cm and having no contractions. They want me back to redo ultrasound this Thursday and make a final plan.

How accurate was your estimated baby size? Anyone have experience with inducing? Scared FTM here!