Gotta say something

I know a lot of people put their opinions on here and that's totally fine, but is it really necessary to be SO MEAN to someone's who's just asking a simple question? I swear everytime I go on a post someone is bullying someone else. Even over the stupidest of things! Like guys I know we're on the internet and everything you say, you can't see anyone's reactions and you don't know anyone, but people still read and still have feelings! Gosh I feel like I'm in highschool again! Just nothing but mean vulgar women tearing down other women on here! NO ONE IS STUPID FOR STATING THEIR OPINION, NO ONE IS A B**** FOR SAYING HOW THEY FEEL ABOUT THEIR RELATIONSHIP, NO ONE IS WEIRD ABOUT SOMETHING BOTH THEM AND THEIR PARTNER LIKE TO DO, NO ONE IS BETTER THAN ANYONE!!! And that fact that most of you have time to sit behind a damn screen and bully someone cause they said something you didn't agree with is only showing who you are as a person. It's just pure evil. GROW UP AND MOVE ALONG IF YOU SEE SOMETHING YOU DON'T LIKE OR AGREE WITH. Sorry I just had to get it off my chest.