All of us trying to conceive-Read


Mothers of Hope: Encouragement of the day:

To all of ladies waiting for those two pink lines:

Often times we all go through life with a game plan of how we think our life should go. Go to school, Graduate, Get married, buy a house, have children (the order varies). If only life were that "perfect" The truth is... Life isn't that perfect; it's messy and unpredictable, it's filled with ups, downs, joy, sadness, pain, tears, hope, fear, failure, success and so many other things.

For those of us waiting for those two pink lines, we never expected to experience this failure. We never expected our bodies to betray us. To fail us. Everyday we do our best to remain positive even though this morning we got another Big Fat Negative. In a season where it seems like everyone is getting pregnant around us, We do our best to show others that we are genuinely happy for them..... and believe me when I tell you that we are Happy for you. When we give a brief smile and hug, we walk away shortly after because we can no longer hold in our tears. We don't want to burden you with our pain. We don't want to tell you that sometimes, we feel "less than" because it's another year and we have not been able to do the very thing God designed our bodies for.

Infertility is a silent battle that we go through, it comes with feelings of shame, failure, anger, sadness and pain; It also comes with Hope,Tears of Joy, Strength that we never knew we had, friendships in the most unexpected times and places, a support system that understands your feelings and validates them. A trust remains in our Father upstairs, He who hears our hearts, counts our tears, feels our pain and will give us the strength we need to get through another day.

It's easy for us to get caught up in the things that we don't have, especially, when we are surrounded by it daily. So today, I want to remind us that we are not less than because we don't have our children yet. I want to remind us that when that moment finally happens, it will be perfect and it will be everything that we've ever wanted it to be. We embody strength, a love that is unconditional and a flame of hope that will never die. We are Mothers of Hope and we will walk this journey with grace. We will remain patient and continue to love the little ones around us. We will continue to live this crazy thing called life and do our best to live it to the fullest.

Be encouraged ladies, We are worthy.
