Is this sexual assault ?

Sorry in advance for the long post.

So this happened a long time ago. I’d say maybe 3-4 years ago. Basically I was in my late teenage years and was hanging out with the wrong group of people and ended up going through a phase involving lots of drugs and alcohol. It was me and probably like 3 other guys that always hung out. One of the guys was a chubby guy and I always clung to him because he was kind of the outsider and as easy target to the other guys and he was what I thought a very cool guy. I would always joke around and say he was my husband and one night our friends dared us to kiss to I gave him a peck. I always made it very clear to him that we would never be more than friends. We have slept in the same beds together before and nothing ever happened we didn’t cuddle, literally just slept. One night I think we all did a few Xanax bars and were drinking together. I fell asleep in one of the guys rooms and when I woke up the guy I’ve been talking about was behind me with his fingers inside of my vagina. I felt his penis on my leg and I literally did not know what to do. I froze and just let him do it for probably another 15 seconds because I was in such shock and didn’t know what to say or do. He was literally licking his fingers and then Inserting them inside me. The next day I did confront him about it but I don’t think me or him took it as seriously as it should have been taken. We even hung out a few times after that. Eventually when i got pregnant I stopped all the bullshit and I’m now a college graduate, when my mind cleared and i starting thinking like an adult I realized how much more serious that situation was. I recently saw him on someone’s Snapchat and all these thoughts kept passing through my mind. Do you think he sexually assaulted me? It has always bothered me deeply and I’ve never told anyone. I no longer speak to him regardless. I have him blocked on everything, I just want to know if I’m over thinking that situation or what?? Thanks.