How rude can people get???

Jackie • Mother of boys 💙 Instagram - @boy_mum_ • follow for meal and snack ideas 💡 ☺️

So, I was out doing some shopping with my sons (2 year old and 10 month old). Minding my own business when a woman about the same age as me (23) came over. She was saying how cute my boys are and how well behaved they are etc. Then she asked their names, I said ‘that ones Edward and the other is Frank’ she looked at me in disgust. She said ‘are you serious?’ I was like yeah, pretty confused at this point. Then she said ‘how can you call such cute babies Edward and frank, they’re old men names’

I was so shocked, couldn’t believe how rude she was! I replied with ‘well their MY babies and me and their father chose their names and we love them. Nothing to do with you’

I’m so angry! I love their names, I think theyre pretty unique this day and age. And even if you don’t like the names, what gives you the right to comment on them! Arghh

Like I said if you don’t like my children’s names I couldn’t care less! But don’t go out of your way to let me know, it’s just blatantly RUDE 🤗