Sleep Monster


Ive created a sleep monster.  Previously LO would cry in the middle of the night and we would get her and bring her to our bed where she would go asleep quickly.  My husband and i decided it was time that we left her in her crib because shes at the point where she will barley sleep with and is constantly kicking.

She only sleeps through the night about twice a week.  We have started letting her CIO but have noticed that she will literally cry for two hours straight and it escalates to the point that she cant catch her breath.     She cries more when we come into her room to calm her down.  I spend an average of 3 hours a night listening to her cry and going in and attempting to calm her down.  I take her out of her crib and rock her and when shes drowsy enough i put her back in...but then she cries.  I dont know what to do anymore. Im exhausted, my husband is exhausted...we just want her to sleep....but not in our bed.    She has a solid bedtime routine and has no problems falling asleep and only takes one nap during the day for about an hour.  i definitely blame this on my self for letting her sleep with us in the first place. :-/