My mother has always been controlling my life.

Kelly • TTC With baby # 1!!!

My mother has always been controlling my life, money, what I should say to people and also how I should be acting towards them. She stuck me in an Assisted living care house for 9 years now. When I first went to this kind of place for the first time I had just graduated high school. I’m now 27 years old. My boyfriend told me he’ll let me move in with him this Friday night or Saturday morning. I’m needing all of you’re opinions and advices. Should I not cut all ties with my mom and everyone I currently am living with and stay here being miserably numb, or should I move in with him by Friday night/Saturday morning?! I am not going to allow any hateful and rude comments. Any helpful information is going to be greatly appreciated!! Thank you all for taking you’re free time to read this and helping me with very very very positive and helpful advice and information!! You all have an amazing day, and God bless all of you!!