*Update*Was told girl; having anatomy ultrasound tomorrow..

Marissa • 02.27.16. 💍|| Braelyn Alia 04/18 || 🌈 Adalynn Mae 03/20 || Collins Claire 05/24 || labor and delivery RN 👩🏽‍🍼||

I paid for a private ultrasound at a place that has amazing reviews, I was 15+4 and measuring 16 even during the ultrasound.

And she told me without a doubt it was a little girl. I had another ultrasound at 17+4 because I ended up with the shingles and I got the tech to tell me what she thought and she said girl too. Now our anatomy ultrasound at my OB is tomorrow and I’m freaking out that it’s not a girl. My family has bought SO much pink stuff and now I have my heart set on a little girl.

what are yalls opinion? girl? boy? 😬

Update: she said it was for sure a girl!!