What is wrong with my body? 😣

Jessica • 24 ❤

FH and I had protected sex with condoms October 8th but the condom slipped off. I am on the pill but had missed one earlier in the week. I took plan b October 9th and continued as normal with my birth control and waited for my period. My period started October 31st and that entire week I had a very light period with alot of brown discharge. After the week it stopped and I started my next pack of pills on Monday the 5th. On Wednesday Nov 8th I forgot a pill and took it the next morning but that evening I started having brown discharge again. I haven't missed or forgotten any pills since then but here I am on the week of my next period and I am still having brown discharge. I have had brown discharge everyday for the past 20 days which doesn't seem normal at all. Is it more than likely that plan b completely screwed up my cycle? I set an appointment to see my gynecologist next week if it persists after my period but until then I need some sort of answer or reassurance that everything will go back to the norm.