Clearblue weeks predicting further along


I had my LMP on 1 Nov.

I couldn’t wait for my period (due 29 Nov), so I tested and got a positive on 24 Nov (twice) and again on 26 Nov.

Then, I ordered the Clearblue weeks predictor to get the reassurance of ‘pregnant’ instead of second guessing a faint line.

The test arrived on Sunday but I waited until Mon 27/1 to do the test with my first morning wee.

The test said ‘Pregnant 2-3 weeks’ and dates from ovulation not LMP. Glow predicted I ovulated on 15 Nov and my period is not due until Weds 29 Nov.

This test dates from ovulation and I’ve not yet missed my period so I had expected 1 to 2 weeks pregnant.

I’ve seen a lot of people post to say their HcG wasn’t strong enough so it predicted less weeks than expected. Has anyone had higher HcG levels than expected?

This happened during my last pregnancy and it was just one.