My BC horror story - help!

Ok so I️ got the depo shot in 2012. I️ only had it once because I️ bled for almost 2 months straight with heavy clotting. The doctor had to put me on estrogen pills and birth control pills to stop the bleeding. After that, I️ got the implant in my arm. I️ very rarely got a period, and I️ didn’t mind at the time. I️ got the implant out 2 years ago and got on the pill, however, I️ rarely took it and just weaned off BC all together. Now my periods are so sporadic. I️ went a year without one and now it’s been 85 days since I️ last got one. I️ just want to regulate myself and I️ heard that the pill is a good way to do that. I’m not TTC, but having irregular periods is so annoying. Does anyone have experience using the pill for regulating? How long before it works? What are your side effects? Any advice, stories or tips would be great! TIA!