Could use a little encouragement


So. I’m a very late bloomer. And I never thought I’d be a mom (never was very maternal) so I never really got things checked out until my mid thirties when I had an ovarian cyst. Found out I’m riddled with endo (and probably have been for decades). Didn’t get serious about having kids until I was 38 when I thought I was pregnant (I wasn’t). Of course the mommy hormones kicked in and the clock started banging loudly. So here I am at almost 43–we’ve been trying off and on to have even just one, and I started following my cycle much closer. I’ve been averaging 30 day cycles. My last cycle was 43 days long & I actually truly thought I was pregnant (all the symptoms and then some). BFN. So here I am, at DAY FREAKIN 53 waiting for AF to show up already. (Several BFNs & I doubt I’m even ovulating). I honestly don’t want to deal with a reproductive specialist at this point. I’m doctored out due to fighting with my thyroid for decades. I’m really getting irritable because I just want to start already so I can get back to square one. The longest I’ve ever previously gone in a cycle is 53 days so tomorrow is a new record that I really don’t wanna score. Idk. I’m just thinking out loud and didn’t know if anyone else can remotely relate. But thanks for at least reading and listening. And any words of wisdom or encouragement are quite welcome.