should i fight for him or....

so i used to date this guy my freshmen year we broke up but were always friends after... We just got back together, this is our jr year and we weve been talking super heavy for the past 2-3 months. we were basically dating but never made it official. we did have sex... we told each other that we love each other.. but then all of a sudden he told mw that he wants a break and that this isnt the right time for him to be in a relationship... but he told me that he still loves me. i would talk to him and ask like where we stand he told me that everything shluld remain the same just 0 title. but he never talks to me anymore, he took out the picture i gave him from the back of his phone out of his phone case.. he deleted our pictures on ig.. once i saw that i did the same. i have really strong feelings for him and want to continue a relationship with him. his friends which are my 2 brothers tell me that hes going thru something and needs to stay to himself... idk what to do😩 should i keep fighting for him?? or just leave him be???