my birth story

Natasha • Gianna Sophia 11-28-2017

11/27/18.. routine weekly doctors appt and she sends me for an NST because I was 4cm dilated. hospital sent me home because my contractions were only 8mins apart and only 4cm dilated. get home around 8:30pm. eat dinner, go bed. 11/28/17 wake up at 8:30am and feel pressure. get up and go to the bathroom.. notice I'm having contractions. by 9:30am they were 5mins apart and getting longer. we leave for the hospital and contractions end up being 1 min apart by the time we get here. They check me.. I'm 8cm dilated and contractions are coming. They broke my water, and before I knew it I had to push. I asked for my epidural and they told me I didn't have time. so. here I am, first full term birth and I have to go natural. okay. I start to push and I think I'm going to die. I can't breathe, it's hot, all these doctors and nurses around. half hour later and what feels like a million pushes later.. my daughter was born.

Gianna Sophia. weighing in at 9.8lbs and 21 inches long. 😍😍