breastfeeding a toddler

Angela • Momma to 2 bio sons and 1 adopted daughter. 3rd pregnancy, 4th baby!

I'm so frustrated. I just found out I'm pregnant which is wonderful but I have a 16 month old who still relies on nursing to sleep, nursing for comfort, and nursing for a small amount of nutrition. Which I'm all fine with. HOWEVER, my milk supply has dropped significantly. my kiddo is fighting a cold so of course he's going to want more milk. But I can't make enough. so we're up all through the night and I'm not sure if it's because of the cold or because I can't comfort him anymore. He has shown no inclination toward weaning but maybe that will change now? anyone else here farther along than I am and still breastfeeding a toddler? Does it get easier? 😧 shed some wisdom please !! thnx ..