Frozen Milk for Months Later???

Amanda • 35 | Vivian Lee 9/11/2017 & Henry Lee 4/24/2019 👧🏼💗💙👶🏻

So my LO is almost 3mos now. EBF except she gets a bottle from Dad early in the morning after her LONG sleep and I pump. This gives him the opportunity to be able to bond/feed her as I do the rest of the day. That way I pump enough to have extra too since it’s over the night. She eats 4oz bottle and I pump 6-8oz depending on how long since she last ate. So therefore each day I build up 2-4extra oz of milk to freeze after having enough for her next morning bottle.

So I have a nice stash starting in freezer. So far I have 2oz and 4oz bags. Maybe like 50oz so far.

My question is... by the time if/when I ever use the frozen stuff. Will the milk I pumped now at 2-3mos be sufficient to give to her when she’s 6+ or 9+ mos old??? Because pretty much I always have enough freshly expressed milk in fridge to give her the daily bottle plus any extras I ever need to give for whatever reason. Doctors appts, going out, fussy, company wants to feed her etc. I always have a rotating stock of like 20oz or so in fridge too.

I guess my question is say I want to stop BF at 6-9mos and use my frozen supply till she’s 1. Is this going to give her the nutritional needs she requires if it was milk from when she was 3mos old. Doesn’t breastmilk constantly change to meet the needs of baby? I would assume their age has a factor in this no???

I hate to think of all the time/money wasted on pumping if I never even use this milk I’m saving up. Especially cause I have to scald it all first. It takes so much extra time. However I do it cause if I pump and stash it in fridge I can’t go through it quick enough before it goes funky. I just hope I’ll be able to use what I freeze at some point. 😬😬😬