Baby with food allergies


Need gluten-free, carb-free, non-dairy, fructose-free food ideas 😰 (baby is allergic) for a very picky 10 month old baby


Soo I came here for some food and recipe ideas....but got schooled on medicine which I dont have a phd on but maybe you guys do or you are just googling...Fyi I took my daughter to 3 different specialist counting our pediatrician whom I have known since my oldest was born 10 years ago, also a nutritionist and an allergist(i am thta annoying kind of mom)

the baby takes special formula, she is in average weight height and is meeting all milestones, she eats some fruits but wont eat any veggies she hates them(hence the need on recipe ideas) all veggies and fruits have fructose, some have more than others but all do, the ones that have less she can tolerate, you can be allergic to carbs/starch and gluten and in most cases food that have low levels are ok but others dont but to be honest Im not about to go play Russian roulette with my baby because every allergic episode leads to hospitals pricking and poking and all that good stuff (she hasnt had an episode in a while because I monitor every single thing she eats and have a very annoying log)

drs dont want to do testing because she may grow out of it if she doesn’t they will so They dont see the necessity or putting her through that now and I agree.

I was truly just needing some advice and recipes but got nothing I think I adressed everything thank you to the one mom that gave me the name of that vegetarian food her kid eats (i will look it up)

Good night😘