Pulled Uterus Muscle?


Ive had a pain in what it feels like my uterus for almost a week now. It feels like I pulled a muscle or something. It hurts when I sneeze, cough, stretch and pick up my daughter. I also started spotting but I thought I already had my period earlier this month I had one the very beginning of October and another one started at the end of October/early nov. So I assumed that that one was for November.  I also never really cramped too much during periods and this doesn't feel too much like a cramp anyways. Could I be pregnant? because with my first child it took awhile for me to find out I was pregnant because I still had my period Or what I thought was just a light period for a couple months? I took a pregnany test a month or so ago and it was neg. I took one today and also neg. Should I wait till Im done bleeding?