Why are some foods and drinks seen as masculine or feminine?


This is a great article: https://www.tastecooking.com/women-arent-ruining-food/?ref=PRH17564EA86B&utm;_source=Crown&utm;_medium=Advertising&utm;_campaign=Taste_Keywee&kwp;_0=580257&kwp;_4=2066175&kwp;_1=863231

The tl;dr version is that in society’s eyes, when men like something it elevates it. When women like something, it is seen as frivolous and trivialized.

Cupcakes, pumpkin spice lattes, rosé wine, and chocolate are some examples.

But why? Food and drinks are gender neutral. Why are some items seen as masculine or feminine when our bodies process them all the same way on a biochemical level?