Hhhhhh idk what to do


UPDATE: we talked, and he said he doesn't want a relationship rn...

okay so long story short. Basically I've liked this guy for a while, and we're pretty close friends. Then, we hung out for a while this Saturday, and on Sunday we texted a lot, and he told me he liked me as well. He wanted to ask me out, but I said he had to do it in person. So he promised he would. Well, I missed school Monday, and then on Tuesday we talked but he didn't do anything? He was still flirty on text so I wasn't worried. But now he's starting to be closed off on text, going back to the way he acted before he liked me. Do you think he doesn't like me anymore?? All of his replies to my (random texts, I haven't asked him anything) have been things like lol and hahaha.