3000+ ounces!


My second DD is 3 1/2 months old. She just started daycare a few weeks ago so this isn’t a true number of what I have in my freezer and deep freezer (more like 2750), but from starting four days after she was born till today I have pumped over 3000 ounces. As I sit here pumping alone at night while the rest my family is asleep, I needed to share this success with somebody! It truly is a labor of love. A lot of the time I hate it! But I really feel like I’m doing something special for my daughter.

I am able to nurse her in the morning and at night which is very special and probably is what keeps me going at the pump. I’m going to tough it out as long as I can, because I don’t know if we’ll try for a third. The things we do for the ones we love... Sorry to brag, just felt like shining a light on this accomplishment. Ty for listening!