I wanna leave him

Okay so let me start out by saying i love my husband. To works really hard for me and he is constantly making sure i am happy and thinking of me with everything he does. But ever since we got married he changed. Before we were married we were free. I could go with my friends and do normal things i mean i am still 20 and in college. I thought we would live the same life just married but it all changed. He is not the man that I married. We used to do dumb childish things together and i loved it but now we just sot at home. We used to smoke pot and get hotel rooms now he yells at me for drinking one beer. He won’t let me go see my friends or family without him being there and i feel trapped. I want to study abroad but he won’t let me bc he dropped out and doesn’t want me to go. I want to go bake cookies with friends. At the same time i want to be with him and do fun things I’m not saying i want to go out every night but like at least once a month but no. I just feel so trapped and i want to leave this marriage before i am trapped with kids. I just don’t think i can live my life like this.