


Please share some positive repeat C stories. The anxiety is starting to consume me. My last c section was unplanned and I was not expecting it at all. I'm scared of the spinal (already in labor last time so it hurt but I don't remember much). And the catheter. And of suddenly dying on the table (reading too many morbidity stats back when researching vbac). Or eclampsia.

Last baby was big, so is this guy.

Low anterior placenta. GD. Kidney stone that is so far behaving.

I don't know what to expect and I'm letting fear take over. I should be getting excited, not spending all my time obsessing that I'm going to die or the baby is (previous losses/trauma).

I've just got to get through these next 4 weeks. 😥

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I’ll be having my fourth CS in a few weeks and I’m here to tell you that a repeat is WWAAAYYYY easier than the emergency one. You’ll pick a day close to 39 weeks barring no complications from pregnancy. So you’ll already know your baby’s upcoming birthday. You’ll be able to walk into the hospital with no pain or ruptured membranes. You’ll get taken to l&d; where you’ll be monitored shortly. You’ll get to hang out with just your support person for a few hours- which is so nice to if you already have a kid or a chaotic life. When it’s time for baby you’ll be taken to the OR where the anesthesiologist will take care of your spinal block. You’ll be prepped with a catheter which you won’t even feel go in, you’ll get covered in those cool blue drapes and you just get to hang out until the baby is born. My last CS 9 years ago they let me pick the radio station to listen to while she was being born. Baby will get cleaned up a bit and then your doc will clean everything up and close the incision. You’ll go to recovery where you get to just chill out and relax some more- the staff will bring your baby to you and all will be well. I like to think of the birth as my relax time, because recovery is going to be the tough part. The chances of you coding are super small and even in the super off chance that you did, literally half the hospital will show up to make sure they save your life. There will be so many doctors, of different specialties that come in, it’s like 150-200 years worth of combined education that will be saving your life. You’re in good hands.


ma • Dec 9, 2017
Thank you lol.


Shanny • Dec 9, 2017
I will be having a 3rd csection and the way you put it into words is so true!


ma • Dec 1, 2017
Oh good ❤️❤️ I’m so glad I could help. 😊 my first CS was an emergency, and pretty traumatic so I had some pretty bad nerves going into my second. When I experienced how smooth it was, I was instantly happy with my decision to have a repeat.


Posted at
Just had my third c section..was as easy as pie!!!! I was holding baby when they wheeled me out of the OR!! As soon as the catheter was taken out I was up walking the halls to take the soreness away!


Rachel • Dec 10, 2017
Hoping it'll go smooth for ya!!! I've found that walking frequently really does help!


Kelsey • Dec 10, 2017
Congratulations! I am hoping my third ends this way.