
So I have extremely irregular periods and usually they last anywhere from two weeks to two years straight. I was having my period after 2 months of only spotting and i had major cramps and nausea before it even started and when it finally came it instantly started extremely heavy with clots. So about 8 days pass and it’s still super heavy and I’m nauseous and have cramps and I put a pad on to go to bed because no tampon can handle my period lol. When I wake up it’s completely clean nothin on it so I go pee and when I wipe I got this weird brown/clear bloody stuff only on the toilet paper. And after that nothing except when I wipe I got a tiny bit of pink on the toilet paper. Is any of this “normal” I’ve never had a period this weird and I’ve also never had a normal period so can anybody help me out here. I’ve been to the doctor a bunch of times but they can never help.