Scared of a Home Invasion


My husband is a police officer and last night he worked overnight. He left at 6pm and my daughter (15 mo) and I (12 weeks pregnant) were left home alone. This isn’t unusual- we spend 3 nights a week home alone. My husband has what’s called a “take home car” so his patrol vehicle is always parked in our driveway- unless he is working.

Last night we went to bed around 8:30pm. At 10:00pm there was a violent banging on my front door (below the bedroom I was sleeping in). It woke me out of a dead sleep and I called my husband to ask if he was home knocking. He said no... and I panicked. Who would smash violently on my door at 10:00pm?! So of course my husband being a police officer had the whole damn county coming to my house. Troopers, sheriffs and campus pd were on there way. It took 7 minutes for the first car to get here... I was sitting against my bedroom door listening with my pistol (i have a permit) and my daughter sleeping in the pack-n-play in my bedroom. I was sitting there listening for the door to be kicked in or some sort of walking around or talking. By the time the first officer got here no one was here... not in the house or in the yard. They patrolled down the road and didn’t see anyone- although our road is very rural and there are woods surrounding the area.

My husband ended up parking at the business across the street for the remainder of the night... watching the house. A little uneasy but relieved that it was over I went to back to bed. At 1:00am there was another round of violent banging. It startled me so much I was in tears. This time it was coming from our back door. I called my husband instantly and he said he was parked across the street... he drove over and again. Didn’t find anything. He ended up signing off at 2:00am and came home early.

Now today he is acting like I made the whole thing up. Said he didn’t see anyone near the house and that they couldn’t run to the woods (40yds away) in the time it took him to get to the house the second time and that he “had his windows down” and didn’t hear the banging. I am so frustrated because it was a loud 30 second banging on my door and I know I wasn’t dreaming it... and he is so full of excuses on why “it didn’t happen.” I’m home alone again tonight and just so pissed off and scared. I’m upset with my husband bc I don’t feel like he is taking it seriously. What if someone is stalking or after his wife and kids bc he arrested them or wrote them a ticket? Truly scary this world we live in and I just don’t trust people. I know I’m being paranoid and maybe it was just stupid kids but idk it was so loud and violent. I was just waiting to hear someone kick the door down.

Now I am so damn paranoid every sound, car driving by or creek in the house has my hair standing on end. Has anyone else been through this? How did you cope?