UK: trump should get arrested if he comes to this county

Charley Knows • 24 and living without a thyroid 💪🏼


If you can’t be bothered to read (I don’t blame you) basically the article states that Trump should be treated like anyone else who breaks the law and charged with inciting racial hatred. It is also said that Trump should delete Twitter (we all know that) and that the PM should convince him to.

Full article:

“Donald Trump should delete Twitter and be banned from entering the UK, MPs have said.

Ministers were also pressed to cancel the US President's planned state visit while Labour's Paul Flynn suggested he must be charged with inciting racial hatred should he come to Britain.

The widespread condemnation in Parliament of Mr Trump came after he shared anti-Muslim videos posted online by Britain First.

The Home Secretary Amber Rudd fielded questions from both sides of the Commons.

She repeated the Government's position that the President was "wrong" in his actions, that social media platforms such as Twitter would continue to be scrutinised, and that Mr Trump's state visit was still in the works, if without a set date.

Speaking in the Commons, Conservative MP Peter Bone asked Ms Rudd: "Wouldn't the world be a better place if the Prime Minister could persuade the President of the United States to delete his Twitter account?"

Ms Rudd appeared to back the suggestion when she replied: "It's interesting to note (Mr Bone's) advice regarding Twitter accounts - I'm sure many of us might share his view."

Mr Flynn, Labour Newport West MP, later said of Mr Trump: "He has disgraced himself again and again, and he worries us because his impulsive finger is on the nuclear button.

"If he's allowed to come to this country now, he should be treated as anyone else who breaks the law, and charged with inciting racial hatred.

"The Government should withdraw the invitation."

Fellow Labour MP Naz Shah (Bradford West) said Theresa May as home secretary had "banned people from entering this country, individuals who had promoted organisations peddling the hate-filled ideology of fascism".

She added: "Not only has the commander in tweet done this, he has defended it, publicly chastising the British Prime Minister for her comments.

"Putting aside the question of a state visit, should he even be allowed to enter our country, because unprecedented actions require unprecedented responses?"

There isn’t really a question here just healthy debate on this subject.

My concern is that America, being an ally of ours is that if this goes ahead (which I want it to) will this loose us our ally and will the next president not want us an ally?