Feeling like a failure

We’ve been trying to conceive since March. I was diagnosed with PCOS in June and it’s been hard. I’m on 1000mgs of metformin a day, and for the last two months been on clomid- first month 5 days of 50mgs from day 2.

This month we took a more extreme approach and took 7 days of 100mgs from day 3. I had a 21 day progesterone blood test and found out I didn’t ovulate 😞

My progesterone level was 8.

My doctor wants me to take 150mgs of clomid for 5 days this month, starting from day 3. I can’t help feeling like a failure and that I’m putting all these hormones into my body for nothing ☹️

Anyone have any success stories to lift my spirits a bit? Thank you ❤️