Bleeding during sex

Hi. I lost my virginity 2 weeks ago and have had sex 7 times since. The first time I bled which I know is completely normal and then after that, the next few times, I was on my period so naturally bled during sex. However, as soon as I came off my period, on Tuesday, I bled during sex, and there was a lot of blood. We had sex again that same night but I did not bleed again. Then we had sex today and I bled but it was not as bad as Tuesday as I only noticed the blood when I went to the toilet (whilst on Tuesday it was all over the sheets). I just want to know if this is normal when you are new to sex? I was thinking that maybe I have a cut there from my first time that just opens whenever I have sex, as the blood seems to be getting lesser meaning it could be healing. Do you think I should see a doctor?

Thanks for reading x