Almost fucking lost it...


We live in a small nice town, so we walked to dinner in town down the road tonight with our 1 year old in her stroller. As we are trying to leave the restaurant, this old man with a cane (maybe 60’s- not THAT old) BLOCKED the exit door because my daughter had ugg boots. They could have been any brand boot, they were facing down in the stroller. He literally stood in the doorway and said “are you fucking kidding, that baby has on uggs” in such a dark malicious tone. He didn’t budge and we had to pick up our fucking City Select to get around him!!! A woman with him said ‘come on, just move’. I️ have the worst anxiety! All I️ could think was ‘what if this guy had a gun, or knife’... I️ almost said something vicious back and went to go get owner....I️ really wish I️ could have. But I’m just too worried about some freak accident happening to my baby! God forbid he was a looney and did have a gun. But I’m seriously regretting not getting the owner or manager at the moment. What would you guys have done?!?! Or have done?! I️ am so angry that people like this actually exsist. She is just a BABY! 😡😭