Baby suddenly refusing to breastfeed

Katie • Mom of a lively amazing little boy (9.30.15) and sweet silly toddler girl (8.16.17) busy and loving it!

I need some advice. I have been successfully breastfeeding (EBF for 12 weeks and breastfeeding and pumping to bottle feed while at work for 4 more weeks) She has always taken both the bottle and breast well. Tonight I came home from work and tried to nurse her and she wouldn’t even try to latch she just screamed and screamed. My husband finally calmed her down and got her to sleep. Then she woke up and I tried to nurse her again and she did the same thing. I felt at my wits end and we offered a bottle and she took it right away. I let her drink most of it then tried to nurse her again and she screamed like she was in pain. I’m so upset that she won’t nurse and I’m praying this is totally normal and our breastfeeding journey isn’t over.