pms on iud

Felecia • 23, mom to an adorable 1yr old

has anyone's pms symptoms changed while on the iud. I've had it for a little close to 7.5 months however this month my pms symptoms as I'm assuming that's what they are are very very different than normal. AF is supposed to start on the 9th of December. and for the last few days I've had headaches a little bit of nausea. I'm trying to avoid thinking of pregnancy seeing as how I've had two chemical pregnancies since I've had the iud. however some symptoms are I guess "concerning" I've had on and off light cramps very light, some lightheadedness, and shoulder pain in my left shoulder as well as extending to the middle of my back just to the left. hubby keeps asking if I think I could be having another chemical pregnancy or even a full blown one however I refuse to take a test till I know if I've missed my period. so for the time being has anyone else had these or any new pms/AF symptoms due to the iud. also I've lost about 12-15 lbs because of a new diet. so IDK if that could be it as well. I'm still over weight so I don't see how it could make a big difference.