Little to no symptoms

Nikki • Married since 6/19/15 💍 Baby #1 6/12/18 👶🏻 Baby #2 6/13/20 👶🏻 Baby #3 9/29/22 👶🏻

I know I should be grateful that I’m one of the “lucky ones” for not experiencing symptoms. But I can’t help but worry if something is wrong with the baby. The only consistent symptom I’ve had is that my nipples are sensitive, so I find myself checking them everyday just to make sure I’m still pregnant. I’m 10w 3d, and I keep seeing other people’s cute bumps while mine is the same giggly belly. 😕

I have my 12 week appointment soon and I’m just terrified that I might go to that appointment and find out my baby’s heart stopped beating.

My husband tells me to stop being such a worry wort, but we’ve already had a miscarriage so I think I’m extra sensitive to these concerns.

I guess I’m just looking for some reassurance 😊