Need other mother’s advice!!

Sorry in advance this is long!

I have 2 daughters. 1.5 yr old and 3.5 yr old. And am currently pregnant with my third. My oldest daughters real dad has never been there for her to support her or help financially. He has had a drug problem in the past and is still fighting with addiction. I myself had an addiction problem as well but will be sober 5 years this April. I became pregnant with my first daughter and she changed my life. And I have been sober ever since finding out I was pregnant. He on the other hand chose not to do the same which is his own decision. We were never in a relationship together. He got a girlfriend about a year or so after our daughter was born and is still with this girl doing drugs and now have 2 children with. They got them taken away. They have never had a stable place of their own and have always mooched off others to stay at their place or use them. They steal from stores and try to sell the items for money. They have never held a job. I am now in a serious relationship with my third daughters dad and he is a very good role model for all of my children and my daughters love him to death! He does everything for them and loves them unconditionally. Now all of a sudden my first daughters dad thinks he wants to waltz back into my daughters life and take her for the weekend and wants to spend more time with her since he is sober now. (For who know how long this time) my question is ladies! Would you allow him the time with your daughter? Or how would you go about that? I personally don’t really care to have her get to know him or want him or his gf around my daughter. Especially after the high gf tried to fight me years ago because I supposedly was talking about her. Which I never do. I’m grown and don’t have the time. What would you do?