UPDATE: Adoption and Pregnant?! Getting Crazy!

Madison • Wife.❤ Mommy to our 🌈 baby 10~24~18💙 &🌈 baby #2- 11~21~20💙 newly pregnant with baby #3, due 6/21/22 🥰

So at the beginning of summer I got fired from my job at a Preschool, never been fired before, broke my heart, but it was for a good reason. Two children at the preschool are going up for adoption and my husband and I decided to try and adopt them. I absolutely love these children and my husband only met them twice but he’s cares for them as well. Well we were talking to their grandparents about them while all this was going on because that’s who they were placed with. After I got fired for trying to foster and adopt these kids, their grandparents cut us out completely and we had no idea what was going on at this point. A few months go by and we hadn’t heard anything from the grandparents so we figure it’s time to move on with our lives. So it’s October, my husband and I have our one year anniversary and decide to start trying to get pregnant, so of course right away we got pregnant in October. So we were so so so ecstatic! Still are 😊 but a few days after we find out we’re pregnant the grandparents text me asking if we would still take the kids. Now this is our first baby, so we would be going from just us two, to a family of 5. I’m 20 and my husband is 22, he’s got a great job, we’re going to get a house soon, we’re trying to trust God and be obedient to Him. Any thoughts?

UPDATE: this was from a while ago. On Dec. 3rd we lost our baby, I was 9 weeks exactly, and I had been so hard, but we have peace that our baby is with God and it gets a little bit easier everyday. So we have been spending a lot of time with these kids we’re trying to adopt. I was kinda of going back and forth with the thought of it just being my husband and I and our baby when we had one, to being selfless and loving these kids that need a home. It wasn’t until I was praying really hard and went to church and my pastor had a message all about being obedient to God and how our choices make a difference in others lives, it made me feel so overwhelmed about these kids and I knew I was ready to commit and my husband and I had our game faces on. So the next day which was yesterday I went down to the child services office and decided to talk to somebody. Now we have been working with their grandparents and trying to talk to their caseworker but she has a hard time getting to us because she’s so busy so that’s why I went down there to talk to someone and really just anyone because whenever I try to call down there I always get sent around to everybodys voicemails or they never call me back. So I went downtown, we live in Toledo, and I went through security and was waiting for the caseworker once she finally came down we started talking and I told her all about our situation and she pretty much said that it sounds like we’re going to end up with the kids and something that made that easy for her to say that was the fact that we were willing to keep them all of them together. The two kids have a baby sister and she is one year old and we recently found out that their mother is pregnant again, and that baby will automatically be taken away and placed with us if we have the children by then since she has no parental rights. So it’s kind of crazy to think about a 20-year-old and a 22-year-old getting four kids all at once, and we’re starting the foster/adoption classes today. We just keep praying to God for guidance and strength and we continue to push on, He will provide, we still need a house, but we’re taking it one day at a time and we will see what happens. 😊