Dangling a Proverbial Carrot in Front of Me?


Good afternoon everyone, thanks in advance for your insight from personal experience or opinion,

I posted not too long ago about some issues with my ex who is pregnant, we planned it. Long story short, she has flipped back and forth about not wanting to keep the child and be with me and then to the exact opposite. I found out she had been telling people she just wants out when I got the engagement ring she had wanted and pushed for and that she doesn't find me attractive anymore along with not really wanting this baby.

Been going on for a few weeks now and we had a big fight after I found about what she was saying to other people that I just mentioned above. She tried to tell me that she didn't say those things and then switched to saying she said them out of anger. Said she is only telling these people these things to try and convince herself or some sh*t and I even had one of her friends message me threatening me saying I threatened to hurt her and that he's glad I'm gone. At this point all I feel like is she is holding this pregnancy over my head to keep me around whenever she wants me. The day after that most recent fight she said she wanted to look at her options at the same place that rescheduled our first ultrasound. We leave the place and she cries some and tells me she loves me and says that if I give her a boy, she will kill me. This is literally the 100th time she has changed her mind in the 4 weeks we have been fighting. She has morning sickness and is 11 Weeks along.

Next day I go to grab my jacket and she says that she is going to do an abortion now, 101st mind change, says she wants to be single right now, so do I, and she just switched back to acting like she doesn't care. Admitted this time that she needs to get some medication cuz she does have depression amongst other things which may be exacerbated through pregnancy?

At this point my confusion lies in whether she may actually go through with this or if she is just messing with my head at this point about her seriously conflicted feelings. I feel like what she has told these other people is how she really feels. She claims her personal cutoff to where she won't get an abortion is 12 Weeks, which means she has less than a week to get the appointment, if they were accurate when we went into the pregnancy care center the first time. Some people claim she may have already done the abortion and is just not telling me but I thought I would come here again to get some fresh insight on this constantly changing situation.

Thank you for your time!