Boyfriend and strict parents 🙄

Tanesha 🌈 • 22 🌠

Ok so I’m 18 and my parents have been strict on me for the longest because I’m the baby but I feel as if I’m grown and I am old enough to make decisions. My boyfriend asked me to travel to Memphis, Tn with him and I said yes because he’s a person I would love to spend my life with . We’re saving up money to move and I will be working on license (I don’t have those because they won’t let me get them) before we go in January. My parents and my brother will definitely not like it when I tell them, so I had to lie and say I’m going on vacation 🙄. I would like to be up there for about 3 months then I would come home, but they will NOT let me go and I hate it. I still get treated like I’m 15 but I told my boyfriend I will go anyways cause I’m tired of being treated like a little kid. Any advice?!?