boy trouble ://


hiya! i’m a freshman in highschool and i have a decision to make. there’s a boy that i’ve liked since the end of seventh grade. he has never been unkind to me, and was my first official guy best friend.

i’m very shy, and it took me a long time to confess. when i finally did in 8th grade, he told me he’s scared it would ruin our friendship. i was upset, yet happy because he valued our friendship so much. i thought i would eventually get over it, but i haven’t:(

now, we are still as close, yet i still have feelings :(( he always texts me about his girlfriends when they let him down. i try to give him advice, but it’s difficult when you’ve been single your whole life haha. my friends always tell me that he’ll come around one day, and that we were practically made for eachother, yet i’m not quite sure that’s the truth.

my point is, should i wait for him and hope for the best, or should i just get over it? it’s so frustrating, help please! ♡