smacking children on the mouth


So my brothers girlfriend has a 1 year old from a previous relationship. this child is a handful, but I don't believe he deserves to be spanked and hit the way he she hits him. today at my mom's house he came over by me and and grabbed the cup holder out of the couch. I said you better put that back, not being very serious, kinda in a goofy way and she got up off the other couch and came over and smacked his butt, he didn't even know she was coming, then she smacked his hand a couple times and then he said no and she smacked him in the mouth. the whole thing made me mad because A) she doesn't tell him don't do that or anything she just walks up to him and smacks him then walks away. I guarantee he don't even know why he just got smacked 90% of the time. B) he is 1. C) she knows he don't respond to any sort of spanking so she needs to try another method. and D) I don't think you should ever hit your child in the face. especially when they are 1. my mom was pissed off along with me but recently she said something to her about how her parenting isn't that great, of course not like that though and my brothers girlfriend deleted my whole family off of Facebook and wouldn't let any of us see him and she just recently had my brothers baby and we all was worried she wouldn't let us see him either. She stopped being so childish right before she had the baby so now we all get to see the kids. We just don't agree with her parenting. am I wrong for feeling like she is some what abusive? this kid gets hit and yelled at like that multiple times while she comes around and I can only imagine it's worse when she isn't in front of other people. I have a 3 year old so I understand the frustration, but I wouldn't ever treat my kids like that.

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