letrozole and pcos


hello everyone, so I have been lurking for a little trying to read up on people's experience with letrozole but I haven't found a lot... maybe I'm not looking at the right places but I thought I'd share my experience with it so far...

little background on me I am 26 years old turning 27 in a month and my husband is 30. I was overweight (5'2 and 156lbs) until I started to really try and get to a health weight and am currently 5'2 and 140lbs (still trying to lose more and get back to 120-125lbs). We have been TTC for 10 months. I was diagnosed with PCOS when I was 22 and was on bcp on and off since 16 until we started ttc. When I got off of bcp 10 months ago I was anovulatory (no periods) and had false positives on opks. My ob/gyn referred me to an RE and she confirmed my PCOS via blood work and ultrasound. Before we started our treatments we had to do other tests (semen analysis, more blood work, etc). In between all this and the treatment I spontaneously ovulated and became pregnant. I miscarried and because it was so early in my pregnancy that I miscarried I fortunately was able to start my fertility treatments one week after the miscarriage.

My RE prescribed me 5mg of letrozole for 5 days. I am not on metformin or using any prescribed drugs besides letrozole. I had a transvaginal ultrasound and blood work to monitor my follicle growth. unfortunately I did not respond to the first cycle of letrozole (left ovary 3.5mm follicle and 11mm follicle on right ovary) and one week later I was prescribed 7.5mg of letrozole for 5 days. On my 4th and 5th day of letrozole I started to have some bleeding (some dark and brown and some red blood). I was supposed to go in 2 days after my last dose of letrozole but because I am bleeding they asked me to come in one day after my last dose. I am not sure why I am bleeding but I figure worst case scenario I ovulated and am having af, best case scenario my estrogen levels are so low I'm experiencing breakthrough bleeding. I only hope that if I am experiencing breakthrough bleeding my uterine lining is not compromised...