Mixed feelings

Have you ever had mixed feelings about someone? You don't know if you love him and care about him as a friend, or as a lover.

Well, that's my case right now. I have a best for one year after our three years of knowing each other. And boy... He's a special guy. He can be as cold as ice and as sweet as honey. And I know that it's just the way he are. He helped me get through a lot, and I mean that with all my heart. I've helped him a lot too. And I don't know man, I just really care for him. It's like I am incomplete without him, I always want to be with him, it kinda secures me. And I become easily jealous, with every girl. I don't know, I am just so attached and I don't want him to go.

But at the same time, when we argue, I am so mad that all the love that I have for him disappears... And it disgusts me sometimes talking about him...

I am reaching out for any kind of help.