I’m still recovering from a traumatic event

My ex (and first boyfriend, love whatever) was really shitty to me. And my naive self didn’t see it like I should have. Typical “oh but he will change he loves Me” no he didn’t. Cheated on me so much even hit me once. Very abusive and manipulative. All that bad stuff.

I’m in a new relationship now with a great guy he’s been a close friend for three years now and it’s been 7 months since I ended it with my ex and now my current boyfriend has become complacent in our relationship and I still feel like I need constant affection to change my mindset. My ex cheated and lied for 90% of our relationship. The other 10% he was turning my head the other way with gifts and affection.

I don’t know I just need help, I don’t know how to bring up to my current boyfriend how my ex is still impacting my emotional health because of how much he took from me and how drained and Unwanted I felt.

(It also didn’t help that two months after we broke up a group of my closest friends deemed me unworthy of being in their life and cut me off) SO a lot of feeling like I’m not important enough. I don’t know how to talk to anyone about this.