So I have been working with a guy for about seven months and since day one I fell for him, like hard, he told me he had a girlfriend the day we first worked together. Which crushed my little heart. But even though I tried not to I made him my happiness, I’ve been through a lot of shitty things and working with him kind of keeps my mind of off that. It’s just that we definitely have a connections, but now that the place I worked at closed (because its closed in the winter) I probably won’t ever see him again since we both have other jobs and I just really want to tell him how much he meant// means to me. But I am scared, not to get rejected bc he has a girlfriend, Just to make things weird for him. My best friend recently told me he loved me and that did change the way I saw him. I don’t want my crush to change the way he looks at me 😭😭😭😭 so should I tell him or not?